The CORE Org. is Creative Outreach Reinventing Expression, a source, and resource 501(c)3, providing arts enrichment and wellness. We are dedicated to providing professional after-school arts education and wellness in all arts formats throughout the east bay area. Classes are based in and open to all students in the Tiverton school district as well as our surrounding communities. Classes meet once a week for an hour and a half for 8-week sessions in the FALL/WINTER/SPRING. Class fees vary and scholarships are available. CORE is “consciously transforming through the creative arts”.
The CORE Org. was created by Ms. Gloria Crist, who holds a Master of Arts in Holistic Counseling as well as a CAGS in Expressive and Creative Arts. She is a professional actor/director and producer with various credits in theater/film and television. Gloria has been the Creative Director of Tiverton High School Drama since 2009. She has been an arts-integrated specialist for many years, and has worked with children in the public school system, private settings and adjudicated/at-risk children. Gloria has developed many arts-integrated programs and non-profits for children and young adults, including most recently, TASA (Tiverton After School Arts), which was The Core. Org.’s predecessor. She believes all children from all levels of life are entitled to arts-integrated learning, and self-awareness through the creative process.
The is a non-profit organization and is not funded by any school department. It receives its funding through grants, donations, and modest tuition for enrollment in our classes. We have the support of the Tiverton schools and teachers to offer after-school extended arts programming and we go through all the normal paperwork, each session, to do so, ensuring every child has the opportunity to experience the empowerment of expressive and creative arts. We are an all-inclusive organization unless a student is being disrespectful and/or harmful to themselves or others. CORE has never turned away a student for financial, religious or cultural beliefs, nor would it ever. The board does not, nor has it ever, forced their opinions or beliefs on any student. However, while involved in the arts, many students find their own voice-and begin the process of discovering who they are along the way! This will always be encouraged. Parents and children are not forced but are welcomed to participate. We offer needs-based scholarships and attempt to make reasonable accommodations for students who require differentiated approaches to learning.