Virtual Spring Session II – 2021
Pre-recorded Encore Classes Available
If your child thrives on the flexibility of being able to access or revisit an Art or STEAM class on their own schedule, but missed out on taking one of these classes during our last session, they are back for an encore:
Spring Into Color w/ Molly Harrington – Grades 2-3
Weekly Escape Room Challenge w/Ashley Rutledge – Grades 3-4
Exploring Ocean Life Through Art w/Eden Hilario – Grades K- 3
Each class fee is $25, which includes an individual art kit containing all supplies and materials needed for the class. Kits will be delivered to your child’s school for pickup prior to the beginning of classes. These art supplies are yours to keep and continue to use!
Registration closes in one week on April 24th to allow time for art kits to be assesmbled and delivered. Classes begin on May 3rd
For full class descriptions and to register, please visit thinkfeelcreate.coursestorm.com.
Spring 2021 – Virtual 5-Week Session is Here!
The CORE Organization is excited to offer online arts enrichment classes in several formats beginning March 8th through April 8th. Clay, Coding, Escape Rooms, Stand-up Comedy, Visual Arts, ‘Zines and more – find a class that works for you! There is something for everyone and available to all students in Bristol, Little Compton, Portsmouth, Tiverton and now Middletown!
Each class has a $25 fee, which will also cover all art supplies and materials to be delivered prior to the beginning of classes. These art supplies are yours to keep and continue to use! Our teaching artists are back, and our RWU and Emerson students are joining in to bring you all the most innovative and creative virtual platforms with the same integrity and fun you have come to expect.
Fall 2020 – Virtual 4-Week Mini Session Coming Soon!
The CORE Organization is excited to offer online arts enrichment classes in several formats beginning October 27th through November 19th. From STEAM to Theater Arts, there is something for everyone and available to all students in Bristol, Little Compton, Portsmouth, and Tiverton! Stay tuned.
Spring 2020
In compliance with and to honor all state and district guidelines, all in-person CORE After School Arts Enrichment Classes are currently on hold. The health and well being of all the students we serve is our top priority. We will be back soon.
Fall 2019
Grades K – 2
Fiber Arts Fun!
with Darlene Gormly
Mondays – beginning October 21, 2019
3:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Each week students will create a simple fiber art project introducing basic sewing skills (plastic needles at first, blunt embroidery needles later) and fiber art techniques. We will make handmade pom-pom pets; small felt mini monsters/animals/figures; a weaving project with cardboard looms; a braided project, and more!
Students will transition to the CORE designated classroom at the end of the school day for snack (be sure to pack an extra nut-free snack on class days!).
Classes are $55 for the 6-week session. There is a $2.50 registration fee charged by CourseStorm when paying by credit card.
Grades K – 2
Ozobots and Rainbow Fish!
with Taylor Bigliani
Thursdays – beginning October 24, 2019
3:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Students will engage with Ozobots, learn how to create code, patterns, and incorporate reading aloud plus a snippet of social emotional learning – all with a rainbow fish!
Students will transition to the CORE designated classroom at the end of the school day for snack (be sure to pack an extra nut-free snack on class days!).
Classes are $55 for the 6-week session. There is a $2.50 registration fee charged by CourseStorm when paying by credit card.
Grades 2 – 4
Creating Theatre!
with Amanda Vincenti
Mondays – beginning October 21, 2019
3:15 PM – 5:00 PM
In a field traditionally categorized by its competitive nature, it is crucial to introduce children to the more-important collaborative community aspect of the theatre. In six weeks, children will work together to create, rehearse, and perform an original piece of theatre; learning along the way the myriad of roles it takes to produce something meaningful. The goal of this program is to make theatre accessible and engaging to students of all interests and abilities. As we use our community to create theatre, we will learn how theatre can be used to create a community through acting, dance and written word!
Students will transition to the CORE designated classroom at the end of the school day for snack (be sure to pack an extra nut-free snack on class days!).
Classes are $55 for the 6-week session. There is a $2.50 registration fee charged by CourseStorm when paying by credit card.
Grades 3 – 4
Intro to Image Making
with Camille Montano
Thursdays – beginning October 24, 2019
3:15 PM – 5:00 PM
In this hands-on class, students will explore personal tastes and identity through art. Students will create their own sketch books, photograms, collages, and much more; including mini magazines and portraits.
Students will transition to the CORE designated classroom at the end of the school day for snack (be sure to pack an extra nut-free snack on class days!).
Classes are $55 for the 6-week session. There is a $2.50 registration fee charged by CourseStorm when paying by credit card.
53 Tallman Avenue
Portsmouth, RI